Friday 30 January 2009

Many of us have had friends who wanted to date someone but unfortunately they have a "friend" who is visiting and oh by the you have an available friend so that I don't leave him sitting here waiting for me?

So guess what? Unsuspecting you walks into the room and your friend already knows you don't have plans for the evening because silly you thought it was just a question to keep the conversation flowing not to qualify you as the date for the "friend". Before you know it you are being given the hard sell about doing a favor or a solid for your friend and being hustled into the bedroom to pick out your clothes for the night and then into the shower. All the while your friend is saying...well you don't have plans and it's time you get out and do something besides sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself. Come on...we'll have fun. It will be like old times. We haven't doubled in a long time.

So after much begging and pleading you give in and say what the heck? How bad can it be? If you only knew then what you would know when you opened the door and got your first would have run for cover. You would not have passed would have gone directly to your room and locked yourself in and cranked up the stereo volume to drown out the cajoling, whining, pleading and begging...and yell through the door over the music to find some other patsy to go.

Why do we set ourselves up for this comedy of errors? There is a REASON the so-called friend does not have a date...and you are just about to walk into the Twilight Zone...

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