Tuesday 24 March 2009

Fix me up

Nothing is worse than having to find a date for a major family or friend event. The wedding that if a date isn't brought that has everyone pushing their offspring towards you. Then there is the married friends who want all of their friends to be as happy or miserable as they are and are constantly inviting you to dinner parties with their other single friends in hope that the two of you hook up and join all the other adults and leave the single life of endless dating behind you. "Act" like an adult and get married and have a family.

The friend who has her husband scour the office for the perfect guy for you only to find out that the so called perfect guy is one foot shorter and you are not even wearing heels! She speaks Prada and you speak Wal Mart - definitely not a good match there. She is Ms. Manners and you are just comfortable sitting back and scratching your balls in a room full of people. She likes cats and has several: you like dogs and have several...gives a whole new meaning to fighting like cats and dogs!

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