Saturday 4 April 2009

You are Mine!

There are the date who treat you as his own personal property rather than as someone to get to know on a first date. You are expected to mimic your "owner". You're not allowed to think, act, say or do anything that does not reflect him and his views. Even the first date shows signs of this. A friend walks up to say hi and before you can respond he suddenly has you in a "She's mine...back off" shoulder grip so tight that you are wincing! He grabs your hand or waist as well as if you are long lost lovers and kisses you! The inquisition starts the moment your friend walks away. How do you know him? Did you ever go out with him? What did he mean by that remark? What's so funny? Why are you smiling? Did you sleep with him? Doesn't he have a girlfriend? Why does he keep looking over here? Who are you looking for?

You have a date that thinks you are out of his league so won't let you out of his sight. He literally tells you over and over again that he cannot believe that you went out with him. By the end of the date he has you wondering the same thing! He waits outside the bathroom just in case you have the urge to ditch him. It is his clinging that drives you away. Maybe you should bring some Static Guard to help prevent the latching on for dear life. One date is enough.

Perhaps it would be easier for him to just take an inkpad and stamp "OWNED" or "PROPERTY OF......" on your forehead. How about handcuffs so that you cannot walk too far away without him knowing your whereabouts or business? No wonder they rarely made it through the first date let alone a second one.

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