Wednesday 4 February 2009


Personality can play a large role in a doomed date. You have your own personality quirks. The question is will the other person's mesh or become a complete turn off? The kind that just has you wondering how much longer before I can bolt?

How about that irritating date who always corrects what you just said? He not only corrects grammar but also facts. Your date is ALWAYS right. Even if everyone else at the table disagrees. Your date changes the subject with a sniff or a snort and a shake of the head and a waving of the hand dismissing everyone.

There are other quirky personalities. The incessant talker that never lets anyone get a word in edgewise and ignores anyone who manages to do so. The shy wallflower that jumps and cringes at the least little word or noise. The me oriented date. Everything somehow evolves around him. No matter what the topic this date will bring the subject back to himself. There is the who just oozes excitement with every breath. On the other end we have the monotone...the one who can put a room full of rowdy teenagers to sleep. The athlete who wants to talk nothing but sports and quote you every statistic possible... so what if the other person does not care how your team is performing. The Obnoxious sex fiend who turns everything into a sexual innuendo including the food.

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