Tuesday 17 February 2009

Politics and Religion

There are more reasons for a doomed date than I can count. Personality plays such an enormous role in that process of deciding what is and isn't one. One of my biggest pet peeves on a date is someone of a different political party or religion that feels that he has to convert you to the "right" way of thinking.

He is the one that is a staunch member of his political affiliation as has all members of his family since the beginning of time. At least that is what he would have you believe. He also believes all his friends, family and dates should also be likeminded. The mere thought of someone being of the opposing parties sends shivers down his spine.

Relentless, continually prodding and poking, hoping to find the chink in his date's armor. The Achilles heel so to speak of why in God's name would anyone even consider the possibility of any party other than his!

Then there is the date that wants to convert her date to her religion. Her God is the one and true God. There is no possibility of another God, prophet or savior. All the members of other religions will burn in Hell. There will be a very long line if that is the case. The only question will be which religion will be the one in line?

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