Sunday 1 February 2009

You have your tolerance levels of what you are willing to forgo for that chance meeting for a lasting relationship. The one that makes it worth all of these bad dates - even a diamond in the rough. You have your limits just as much as the next person.

While some of you could care less about what your date is wearing or for that matter what you are wearing as well. Have you ever been on a date with someone who dresses like Jon in the Garfield comic strip or like a hooker that should be standing on the street corner? How about someone who likes to sit with his back to the whole restaurant in an open back chair revealing quite a lot more than you or anybody else would want to see? How about the person whose definition of wear something nice shows up on your doorstep with tattered jeans and a shirt full of holes and yours is a dress with heels or a suit and tie?

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