Tuesday 10 February 2009

Attitude plays a major role as well in a doomed date. Perhaps this sounds familiar and though may seem easy to deal it is not. It is actually quite a blow to the ego.

Let me introduce you to Mr. Hands. You know what I am talking about...a date that treats you like a piece of meat...eyes bulging at cleavage and tongue hanging from mouth salivating, hands everywhere (politely push one away only to have to do it with the other hand...a neverending process) and not interested in any conversation unless it is about sex. Would not be able to tell you the color of your eyes if you asked him. This might flatter someone from time to time but it does become quite tiresome and objectifies you.

Let's be fair... it could be Ms. Hands as well. Constantly assessing your back side, pecs or the size of the family jewels. Though it's nice to know that you are seen that way it also has you wondering if your date thinks you are brainless.

It could also be the opposite...the type that is so bored and doesn't want to be there. He is looking at the watch as if a bomb is going to explode and wants to make a quick exit before it happens. He is also constantly scanning the room to see who is there, who is coming by the table, etc. Just looking at anything else other than at you, his date sitting across the table.

1 comment:

  1. Let's don't forget the "you have to buy my love" dates too. Wants to eat at the most expensive restaurants, Orders the most expensive items on the menu, wants to go shopping, buy this for me, buy that for me and on and on. As a starving artist and a hopeless romantic, it's hard to find someone that just wants to spend time together. Talking, enjoying the time, listening to music, watching movies, picnic in the park or at the beach. Where are the kind of people that give the gift of time in a romantic or non-threatening way?
